New Mexico State
The yellow field and red
symbol colors are the
colors of Spain. First
brought to New Mexico
by Spanish explorers in 1540. |
On the New
Mexico's Flag we see a red sun with rays |
streching out
from it. There are four groups of rays of Spain. |
This is an
ancient sun symbol of a native American |
people called
the Zia. The Zia belived that the giver |
of all good
gave them gifts in groups of four. |
These gifts
are: The four directions - north, east, |
south and west.
The four seasons - spring, summer, |
fall and
winter. The day - sunrise, noon, evening and night. |
Life itself -
childhood, youth, middle years and old age. |
All of these
are bound by a circle of life and love, |
without a beginning or
end. |