All links will open in a separate tab on the web browser:

(1)    Medicare for DUMMIES - Un-Official Document (Word Doc).

(2)    Social Security Account - 

(3)    Apply for Medicare -
         NOTE-1:   Can take 3 to 4 weeks to receive your Medicare Card through the mail.
         NOTE-2:   Part-A and Part-B is Government (i.e., Social Security Administration).
        NOTE-3:   Basics on Medicare - Parts A, B, C and D
        NOTE-4:   What is Medicare Supplement Plan
(4)    Medicare Account - (optional, but highly recommended)    
        for replacement cards, bill payments, update medication/drugs, view claims, etc.

(5)    Social Security Administration (SSA) Form-44 - Reduction in Income (PDF Form).
         NOTE-5 If SSA used a previous year (IRS-1040) to calculate your Part-B Medicare cost, and 
        you subsequently had a significant reduction in income (i.e., retirement), then you may want to 
        submit SSA Form-44 to Medicare to reduce your Part-B monthly costs. See (5b) for more info.
        NOTE-6 Information on SSA Form-44 - optional, however please read.

(6)    Submit Medicare Insurance Part-C (Dental, Vision, Hearing) and Part-D (Prescription Drugs).
         NOTE-7:  Part-C, D, E, F, ... etc are through private insurance ... Blue Cross, Humana, AARP, Cigna, etc.
        NOTE-8:  You can apply for Part-C, D, E, F ... etc. at anytime after receiving your Medicare Card, however 
        it is highly recommended that you get this step completed prior to the 1st of your birth month 
        (i.e., If you are born November 20th, then November 1st).
        NOTE-9: You can change your Part-C, D, E, F ... etc. during the yearly open-enrollment around late      
        October 15, 2021 through early December 7, 2021.

Un-Official Easy Guide to Medicare